Sunday, June 6, 2010

Episode 28 - Craig's First Time and DFRPG

Episode 28 - Craig's First Time and Dresden Files RPG review (23 min, 10.7MB)

Dresden Files RPG review summary:
Highly Recommended for: experienced GMs who are fans of the books.
Recommended for; less experienced GMs who are fans of the books.
Not Recommended for: GMs who don’t know anything about the books; first-time GMs (learn to run the Fudge system using SotC first!) .

Shadowrun 2nd Ed
D&D 2nd Ed
Dresden Files RPG
@FredHicks (Twitter)
Evil Hat
Fudge System
Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies
Penny for My Thoughts
Spirit of the Century
Dresden Files books
Movers and Shakers of Victorian England
Skullduggery preorder
Phenomenon (Canberra convention)

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